Amazing facts about Cats. Most people don’t know that cats are the most popular pets in the world. Yes, in fact, there are more cat owners than dog owners. Many people are unaware of the charm and taste of cats, even those who own them.
Here are some cool facts about felines that might make a difference in how you think about cats.
Amazing Facts About Cats
- Cats can’t taste sweetness because they lack the gene segment for sweet taste receptors, so they don’t know what sweetness is like.
- Cats have no collarbone, as long as the head can pass through the body, the body can drill through, and the cat is indeed a liquid animal.
- Cats are actually left-handed, female cats are generally right-handed, and male cats are mostly left-handed.
- Cats have more than 200 million olfactory receptors in their nasal passages, so their sense of smell is very powerful, and their nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints.
- When kittens are 3 or 4 months old, their eyes are blue, which is their protective film. As the cat gets older, the color of the cat will gradually reveal.
- Cats are actually not color blind, but color weak. Cats cannot see all colors like humans. They are more sensitive to blue-violet and yellow-green, but cannot recognize red.
- A cat’s whiskers are very useful, not only for measurement, and balance, but also for sensing humidity, sensing air flow, and expressing emotions.
- Cat meows are used to communicate with people, not other cats. Adult cats only meow to humans. Kittens communicate with their mothers by vocalizing, but adult cats don’t actually call each other. Some scientists claim that meowing was developed to “call” humans. But cats can also roar at other cats.
- A cat allergy is an allergy to cat dander and proteins in saliva, not cat fur as we might think.
- According to statistics, cats can lick their hair more than 800 times a day, so it is easy to get hairballs. Pet owners need to feed cats some cat grass or hair removal cream to help cats get rid of hairballs.
- When a cat is 1 year old, it is equivalent to 16 years old for a human, which is a rebellious adolescent period. A 2-year-old cat is equivalent to 24 human years, and each additional year thereafter is equivalent to 4 human years. When a cat is 8 years old, it is equivalent to 48 years old for a human. At this time, it has entered the old cat period.
- Cats like to eat fish and mice because these two things have taurine that cats cannot synthesize themselves, and taurine can improve cats’ night vision. Cats use six times more light at night than humans, so cats have strong night vision. Therefore, when pet owners choose cat food for cats, they must choose one that contains taurine, which can meet the basic nutritional needs of cats.